JSGW: The Journal for Specialists in Group Work
As the official publication of the Association for Specialists in Group Work, The Journal for Specialists in Group Work is an indispensable resource for both practitioners and educators working with groups in clinical, organizational, educational and community settings.
The Journal for Specialists in Group Work is directed toward group work practitioners with a focus on group work theory, interventions, training, current issues, and research. The group process is a powerful method for development and change in the individual, the organization, and the community.
NOTE: Access to the journal will appear here for active members only.

A Letter from the Editor...
Thank you very much for your interest in the Journal for Specialists in Group Work (JSGW)!
As the official publication for the Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW), JSGW is a leading journal in the diverse field of group work. The journal has an energetic and excited editorial board who is looking forward to receiving your submission, in the hopes of continuing to add critical insights and new ways of knowing in the larger fields of group counseling and group psychotherapy. Authors published in the journal range from new scholars: those in doctoral programs or newly minted PhD’s, all the way to seasoned professionals with a legacy of scholarship.
The journal aims to be accessible both to academicians, as well as those in practice, to promote both the art and science of group work long into the future. We have several categories of articles one can submit to, from research and brief reports for scholars, training sections for counselor educators, practice sections for those in practice, as well as commentary and special issue to highlight diverse perspectives from across the population of group workers.
The Journal for Specialists in Group Work is directed toward group work practitioners with a focus on group work theory, interventions, training, current issues, and research. The group process is a powerful method for development and change in the individual, the organization, and the community.
The Journal for Specialists in Group Work expands our understanding of this dynamic field.
Peer Review Policy
All articles in this journal have undergone editorial screening and double-blind peer review by three anonymous reviewers.