What is ASGW?

The Association for Specialists in Group Work was founded in 1973 as a division of the American Counseling Association. ASGW exists so that members and other helping professionals are empowered with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to practice effective, socially just, and ethical group work in a diverse and global society.

President’s Welcome Note

Welcome to the Association for Specialists in Group Work. ASGW is a welcoming community where members share a passion for providing effective, culturally responsive group work across multiple settings and professions. I am honored to serve as ASGW President (2021-2022). As we look forward to the upcoming year, I want to highlight some exciting ongoing efforts and opportunities.

  1. Call for Committee Members
    ASGW relies on the gracious dedication and service of its members to function and thrive. If you would like to serve on a committee this year, please complete this form. 
  2. ASGW Conference
    We have an awesome conference planned from February 17-20, 2022 in Atlantic Beach, Florida. The conference theme will be “Group Work Innovations in a Transforming World.” We sincerely hope you can join us for this meaningful group experience!
  3. ASGW Day of Service
    Just before the conference begins, we will be partnering with a local organization in Florida to hold a day of service in which members can participate. More details to come… stay tuned!
  4. Commitment to Advocacy and Social Justice Initiatives
    We plan to continue current efforts and establish new initiatives for effectively using group work to transform hate, facilitate courageous conversations, and enhance community building. Watch out for opportunities to join these efforts and contribute your ideas! 

I look forward to working with all of you this year,

Lorraine J. Guth, Ph.D
ASGW President (2021-2022)


The purpose of the Association shall be to establish standards for professional and ethical practice; to support research and the dissemination of knowledge; and to provide professional leadership in the field of group work. In addition, the Association shall seek to extend counseling through the use of group processes; to provide a forum for examining innovative and developing concepts in group work; to foster diversity and dignity in our groups; and to be models of effective group practice.


To be an organization that… ​

  • advances ethical group work practice and implements
    its national standards for group work
  • is recognized nationally as the preeminent group work
    training organization
  • reflects multicultural diversity in leadership positions
  • is regularly developing and disseminating outstanding
    group work training materials
  • sponsors and trains group worker leaders at a variety
    of levels for a variety of settings through seminars,
    workshops, and conferences
  • encourages an active and involved membership
  • is inclusive, creative, and resourceful
  • uses the group process observer as an essential
    ingredient of organizational dynamics and advocates
    its use elsewhere
  • fulfills our mission and lives our values
  • monitors and appropriately interacts with its parent
    organization, the American Counseling Association


As Counseling Professionals who are interested in and specialize in group work, we value the creation of community; service to our members, their clients, and the profession; and leadership as a process to facilitate the growth and development of individuals and groups.

  • Members experience a vibrant, caring, and diverse community.
  • Research relevant to group work is systematically supported and disseminated.
  • ASGW professional standards exist, continue to evolve, and guide group work.
  • Helping professionals practice evidence-based and innovative group work models.
  • Group work professionals benefit from opportunities and resources for training, practice, and professional growth.
  • The principles of multiculturalism, social justice, and global perspectives permeate all group work.

ASGW Leadership Team 2024-2025

Governing Process Committee (GPC)

Photo of Kendra Jackson, PhD

Kendra Jackson, Ph.D., LPC, LSC, ACS, CFLE, NCC



Priscilla Prasath, Ph.D., MBA, LPC, GCSC



Julia Champe, Ph.D.


Past President

Yiying Xiong, Ph.D., NCC



Priscilla Prasath, Ph.D., MBA, LPC, GCSC



Dibya Choudhuri, Ph.D.


ACA Governing Council Rep.

Sam Steen, Ph.D., LSC


Process Observer

Committee Chairs and Journal

Nicholas Jackson, M.S.


Membership Committee Chair

Crystal Morris, Ph.D., LPC-S, NCC, CSC


Membership Committee Co-Chair

Jennifer D. Culver, PhD, LPC, NCC, BC-TMH


Special Initiatives Committee Chair

Claire Martin, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, ACS, BC-TMH


Special Initiatives Committee Co-Chair

Photo of Martin Jencius, PhD

Marty Jencius, Ph.D.


Products Committee Chair

Madeleine M. Stevens, Ph.D., LPC (OH), NCC


Research Committee Chair

Gene Dockery, Ph.D., LMHC (WA), LPCC (OH), CCMHC, NCC


Research Committee Co-Chair

Dr. Katherine McVay

Katherine McVay, Ph.D., NCC, LPC


Strategic Communications Committee Chair

Krissy Treviranus, M.S., LMHC


Conference Committee Chair

Brenna Breshears, Ph.D., LPC, CRC 


Conference Committee Co-Chair

Photo of Jane Okech, PhD

Jane Okech, PhD


Journal for Specialists in Group Work Editor

State Branches

Get involved with your ASGW State Branch for networking and professional development.