As the official publication of the Association for Specialists in Group Work, The Journal
for Specialists in Group Work is an indispensable resource for both practitioners and educators
working with groups in clinical, organizational, educational and community settings.
The Journal for Specialists in Group Work is directed toward group work practitioners with a
focus on group work theory, interventions, training, current issues, and research. The group
process is a powerful method for development and change in the individual, the organization,
and the community.
The Journal for Specialists in Group Work expands our understanding of this dynamic field. In
each issue of the journal you’ll find peer-reviewed articles that:
- promote the practice of group work with diverse populations
- cover the continuum of types of group work – from task to therapy groups
- emphasize the processes that make groups effective
- integrate theory and practice
- provide specific information about how to lead groups and train group leaders.
Manuscripts considered for publication in The Journal for Specialists in Group Work typically fall into one of the categories laid out below and match the criteria therein:
Practice manuscripts provide information about the purpose, structure, and populations addressed in group interventions. The role of group leaders in carrying out the intervention should be clearly delineated, and the groups described must have been implemented in the field. Authors should provide some evaluation or commentary about the effectiveness of groups described in their manuscripts. Practice manuscripts should be clearly organized (see Falco & McCarthy, 2013; Okech, Ort, Steen, & Goodrich, 2022):
- Falco, L. D., & McCarthy, C. J. (2013). Writing for Publication: A Guide for Counseling Practice Articles. Journal of Counseling and Development, 91 (3), 343-348.
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1556-6676.2013.00103.x/abstract - Okech, J. E. A., Ort, J., Steen, S., & Goodrich, K. (2022). New group work practice manuscripts: Recommendations for manuscript development. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 47(1), 1-9.
Manuscripts in this category should report findings from a systematic investigation of the effects of a group intervention (or other topic related to group work). JSGW invites research from a range of methodologies and authors should use the APA 7 th Ed. Guidelines for Content & Organization. Authors should clearly indicate that their study has approval from an external review board, such as a University or College Institutional Review board. Please refer to the following articles for more specific guidelines for publishing empirical manuscripts in JSGW:
- Rubel, D., & Villalba, J. (2009). How to publish qualitative research in JSGW: A couple more voices in the conversation. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 34, 295-306.
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01933920903251964#abstract - Anser-Self, K. (2009). Research on groups: Writing your quantitative study so that JSGW will publish it; researchers, academics, and practitioners will use it; everyone will benefit; and good quality groups will proliferate. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 34, 195-201.
Commentary manuscripts may be invited or unsolicited and focus on current topics and debates in the field. Authors are encouraged to contact the editorial staff before submitting such a manuscript so that it can receive proper consideration.
Brief Reports
JSGW will consider brief reports of research conducted on group work. Brief reports are no longer than 10 double-spaced pages, including tables, references, etc. Topics for brief reports may include replications of previous research, well-designed pilot studies, or the use of innovative research methods or group interventions.
Training Articles
Training manuscripts are focused on important elements of the education, training, and service delivery associated with group work. The manuscript should be grounded in the group work literature with careful attention to empirical support for the authors’ ideas.
Theoretical Articles
Manuscripts in this category draw upon currently published research literature with the aim of furthering theories in the field of group work. Authors may present an original theory of their own, or evaluate existing theories.
Special Issues
Authors interested in guest editing a special issue should contact the Editor-in-Chief and will be asked to submit a proposal justifying the need for the special issue, including its proposed topics.
Peer Review Policy
All articles in this journal have undergone editorial screening and double-blind peer review by anonymous reviewers.
Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.