Group Work Innovations in a Transforming World
The Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW), a division of the American Counseling Association (ACA), is inviting submissions for our next special issue of the Journal for Specialists in Group Work (JSGW). The world is facing major challenges that impact the ways in which groups come together and operate. As group workers, we embrace a culture of innovation to foster connections, promote social justice, and engage in advocacy during these unprecedented times. This special issue seeks to highlight creative and innovative group work examples that have positively impacted the profession at local and global levels.
JSGW invites manuscripts for a Special Issue on Group Work Innovations in a Transforming World. Areas of focus could include innovative group work practices that address current topics such as:
- Pandemic response
- Technological advances
- Sociopolitical climate and related issues
- Advocacy and social justice
- Opportunities within higher education
- PreK-12 social/emotional/academic/career challenges
- International/global connections
- Community outreach and partnerships
- Intersectional identities
This special issue will feature research, practice, and training articles with an emphasis on innovation, creativity, and originality in group work.
If you are interested in contributing to the special issue, please submit a full-length manuscript that follows the guidelines on the JSGW Manuscript Central Submission Portal by March 31, 2022.
Be sure to note that the submission is for this special issue. Following submission and endorsement from special issue editors, manuscripts will undergo a blind peer review process.
For additional information or questions, please contact the Special Issue Editors: Lorraine J. Guth, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, (lguth@iup.edu) or Brittany L. Pollard-Kosidowski, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, (bpollard@iup.edu).