Year: 2022

JSGW: Call for Manuscripts

As the official publication of the Association for Specialists in Group Work, The Journal
for Specialists in Group Work is an indispensable resource for both practitioners and educators
working with groups in clinical, organizational, educational and community settings.
The Journal for Specialists in Group Work is directed toward group work practitioners with a
focus on group work theory, interventions, training, current issues, and research. The group
process is a powerful method for development and change in the individual, the organization,
and the community.

Nebraska Becomes Tenth State to Sign Interstate Counseling Compact into Law

Nebraska Becomes Tenth State to Sign Interstate Counseling Compact into Law The American Counseling Association and licensed professional counselors nationwide are celebrating the signing of Nebraska Legislative Bill 752 in support of the Counseling Compact, which will authorize counselors to practice across state lines once enacted.